Nongseong Park in Pyeongtaek

Nongseong Fortress is a little hidden gem in the middle of Pyeongtaek. Located just across from the Brownstone Apartments, it’s a convenience location for those stationed at Camp Humphreys to visit. And while this may not be the most exciting place we’ve ever visited, we find ourselves returning again and again and again because of the peaceful atmosphere and great walking trail.

Nongseong Park in Pyeongtaek

Not much is known about Nongseong Fortress, including when exactly it was constructed. There is a lot of debate on exactly when it was built, but everyone seems to agree that it was built sometime between the Three Kingdoms Period and the Joseon Period. Of course, that’s a date range of about 1,500 years, so it doesn’t really narrow it down. Something that makes Nongseong unique compared to other fortresses is that it’s an earthen fortress – meaning it’s made completely of earth, instead of stone walls (remember the amazing stone walls of Hwaseong Fortress in Suwon??).

There are multiple reasons why this fortress could have been constructed here, but the general belief is that it was built as a way to defend the land – whether from thieves during the Three Kingdoms Period or from Japanese invaders during the Joseon Dynasty, we just don’t know. It very well could have been another line of defense leading to the capital city of Seoul. Regardless, it provides a great area to walk around, enjoy beautiful Korea, and get outside.

The kids have loved visiting and walking along the top of the fortress – while watching people play with their dogs in the fortress valley. We always find frogs or praying mantises or other creatures – which is just one more thing that keeps us coming back for more visits.

So while Nongseong Park may not be the most exciting of our wanderings, we’ve visited multiple times since moving here because it’s close and provides a great walking area when we just need some outdoor time. It’s peaceful, beautiful, and a great escape from the hustle and bustle. Plus, it’s an important part of Korean History – and you know your girl’s all about that.

’til next time…


How to visit Nongseong Park in Pyeongtaek

Directions & Parking: Nongseong Park is located about half a mile (if even that) from the walk-in gate to Camp Humphreys (it’s right across the street from the Brownstone Apartments). Paste 경기 평택시 팽성읍 신흥북로49번길 50 into Naver or use this link to get to Nongseong Park. There is a small free parking lot right by the entrance of the park. It’s usually very full, but we’ve never had trouble finding a parking spot when we’ve visited in the evenings. If you’re having trouble finding parking, consider street parking near Dewdrop Café which you can find by pasting 경기 평택시 팽성읍 신흥북로29번길 40-5 into Naver.

Cost: FREE

Hours: Open daily from Dawn until Dusk.

Amenities: There are bathrooms off to the left of the park entrance. There is workout equipment to the right of the entrance.

Know before you go: Bikes, rollerblades, scooters, etc. are prohibited inside the park.